Last updated: December 01, 2024
Discover the festive programs in Angyalföld! Our guide presents the district's Christmas events in detail, where every age group can find suitable entertainment options.
Szent István Park and Béke Square are decorated for the holidays, where traditional Christmas markets await visitors with handicrafts and local delicacies. Shops and restaurants along Váci Road prepare special winter menus, while the Dagály Promenade offers an outdoor ice rink and mulled wine stands for pleasant pastimes. The surrounding 13th district venues enrich the program offerings with advent concerts and craft workshops.
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Angyalfoeld Holiday Light Displays
Christmas Light Tram
The Christmas Light Train on the Children's Railway features special decorated cars, including a light car and a light locomotive.
Angyalfoeld Holiday Markets and Shopping
Christmas Fair at the Basilica
The Christmas Market in front of the Basilica is a large and eventful event, featuring over 150 exhibitors. The market offers various programs, handmade goods, and traditional Hungarian food.
Angyalfoeld Holiday Shows and Entertainment
Winter Festival at Városháza Park
The Téli Fesztivál in Városháza Park is a family-friendly event with colorful programs that create a Christmas atmosphere in the heart of Budapest.
New Year's Eve Concerts
Szilveszteri concerts in Budapest offer a unique atmosphere and live music to make the last day of the year memorable.
Christmas Chamber Concert
The Karácsonyi Kamarakoncert features music by Mozart and Schubert at the BMC Library.
Christmas Theater Performances
At the Karácsonyi Színházi Előadások, the audience can experience the festive atmosphere on stage, with both classic and modern works.
Christmas Masses
The Christmas celebrations at the St. Stephen's Basilica include various masses and events for both believers and visitors. The temple area is free to visit, while the Treasury and Panorama Terrace can be accessed with an entrance ticket.
Angyalfoeld Other Holiday Activities
Hanukkah Menorah Lighting
The Hanukkah Menorah Lighting in Erzsébetváros celebrates the historical and cultural heritage of the Jewish community over centuries. The event includes lighting the menorahs and tasting special pastries and pomegranate tea.