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Last updated: December 01, 2024

Experience the festive atmosphere in Merzig! Our city guide presents all important events and activities during the Advent season. Both locals and visitors will find the most beautiful Christmas attractions here.

The historic marketplace transforms into an atmospheric Christmas market with traditional wooden huts and regional specialties. Additional stalls and attractions extend along the pedestrian zone to the city park. The neighboring cities of Saarlouis and Dillingen, just 15 minutes away by car, complement the offerings with their own Christmas markets and events.

Contact information and details below.

Merzig Holiday Markets and Shopping

What to Expect:

Unique atmosphere with traditional Christmas market stalls and attractive side programs.


The Merziger Christmas Market at the Town Hall offers a variety of stalls and attractions for four weeks, making the Advent season even more festive.

Where: Merzig | More Info: Merzig Christmas Market

Event Organizer?

What to Expect:

Unique atmosphere with historical buildings and handmade specialties.


The 44th Trier Christmas Market takes place from November 22 to December 22, 2024, in the romantic setting of the medieval main market and in front of the imposing cathedral. Visitors can enjoy traditional Christmas foods and handmade crafts.

Where: Trier | More Info: Trier Christmas Market

Event Organizer?

What to Expect:

Unique attractions like the Jupiter Ferris Wheel and the plastic ice rink.


The Saarbrücker Christkindl-Markt offers a variety of Christmas attractions, including the Jupiter Ferris Wheel, the plastic ice rink, and the Knips-mich-Hütte. Every Wednesday, the flying Santa Claus flies through the air and tells the story of Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer.

Where: Saarbrücken | More Info: Saarbrücken Christ Child Market

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